Chromebook keyboard shortcuts
You can use keyboard shortcuts to complete some tasks more quickly.
Tip: To find shortcuts on this page, press Ctrl + f and enter what you're looking for.
Popular shortcuts
- Take a screenshot: Press Ctrl +
(or Ctrl + F5) - Take a partial screenshot: Press Ctrl + Shift +
(or Ctrl + Shift + F5), then click and drag - Take a screenshot (if your Chromebook converts into a tablet): Press Power button + Volume down button
- Turn Caps Lock on or off: Press Alt +

- Lock your screen: Press
+ L - Sign out of your Google Account: Press Ctrl + Shift + q (twice)
- See all keyboard shortcuts: Press Ctrl + Alt + /
All other shortcuts
Note: If you’re using a Windows or Mac keyboard, use the Windows key or Command key in place of the Search key
Tabs and windows
Open a new window | Ctrl + n |
Open a new window in incognito mode | Ctrl + Shift + n |
Open a new tab | Ctrl + t |
Open a file in the browser | Ctrl + o |
Close the current tab | Ctrl + w |
Close the current window | Ctrl + Shift + w |
Reopen the last tab or window you closed | Ctrl + Shift + t |
Go to tabs 1-8 in the window | Ctrl + 1 through Ctrl + 8 |
Go to the last tab in the window | Ctrl + 9 |
Go to the next tab in the window | Ctrl + Tab |
Go to the previous tab in the window | Ctrl + Shift + Tab |
Switch quickly between windows | Press & hold Alt, tap Tab until you get to the window you want to open, then release. |
Open the window you used least recently | Press & hold Alt + Shift, tap Tab until you get to the window you want to open, then release. |
Go to previous page in your browsing history | Alt + left arrow |
Go to the next page in your browsing history | Alt + right arrow |
Open the link in a new tab in the background | Press Ctrl and click a link |
Open the link in a new tab and switch to the new tab | Press Ctrl + Shift and click a link |
Open the link in a new window | Press Shift and click a link |
Open the link in the tab | Drag the link to the tab's address bar |
Open the link in a new tab | Drag the link to a blank area on the tab strip |
Open the webpage in a new tab | Type a web address (URL) in the address bar, then press Alt + Enter |
Return the tab to its original position | While dragging the tab, press Esc |
Dock a window on the left | Alt + [ |
Maximize window | Alt + = |
Minimize window | Alt + - |
Dock a window on the right | Alt + ]
Switch windows between screens (when your Chromebook is connected to a monitor) | + Alt + m |
Page & web browser
Page up | Alt or and up arrow |
Page down | Alt or and down arrow |
Scroll down the web page | Space bar |
Go to top of page | Ctrl + Alt and up arrow |
Go to bottom of page | Ctrl + Alt and down arrow |
Print your current page | Ctrl + p |
Save your current page | Ctrl + s |
Reload your current page | Ctrl + r |
Reload your current page without using cached content | Ctrl + Shift + r |
Zoom in on the page | Ctrl and + |
Zoom out on the page | Ctrl and - |
Reset zoom level | Ctrl + 0 |
Stop the loading of your current page | Esc |
Right-click a link | Press Alt and click a link |
Open the link in a new tab in the background | Press Ctrl and click a link |
Save the link as a bookmark | Drag link to bookmarks bar |
Save your current webpage as a bookmark | Ctrl + d |
Save all open pages in your current window as bookmarks in a new folder | Ctrl + Shift + d |
Search the current page | Ctrl + f |
Go to the next match for your search | Ctrl + g or Enter |
Go to the previous match for your search | Ctrl + Shift + g or Shift + Enter |
Perform a Google search | Ctrl + k or Ctrl + e |
Add www. and .com to your input in the address bar, then open the page | Ctrl + Enter |
View page source | Ctrl + u |
Show or hide the Developer Tools panel | Ctrl + Shift + i |
Show or hide the DOM Inspector | Ctrl + Shift + j |
Show or hide the bookmarks bar | Ctrl + Shift + b |
Open the History page | Ctrl + h |
Open the Downloads page | Ctrl + j |
Delete selected Autofill suggestion when filling out a form | Shift + Alt + Backspace |